‘TIM’ - The Inspection Manager - is the complete mobile surveying and reporting application developed specifically to improve the productivity and efficiency of teams working in:
Commercial Asset Management
Civil Engineering
Local authorities
Our clients are producing reports in less than 50% of the time it previously took using conventional data gathering and report production methods.
The reporting templates are created by our in house design team, bespoke to individual company requirements - from simple forms to site surveys, audit inspection reports, and commercial ‘contract class’ documents.
Streamlining your workflow documentation systems will drive significant improvements in productivity - transforming business processes whilst improving staff satisfaction levels through the removal of repetitive data entry and laborious report writing.
* Complete any type of report using your device quickly and easily
* reduce the time onsite by 50%
* Web portal access for management and colleagues
* Double your output by removing the need for repetitive admin work.
* Move to real-time on-site reporting.
* Share files with work-groups and clients more effectively.